November 26+27 2022, Cheltenham Town Hall.

I applied to show at the Craft Festival in Cheltenham in 2021, but as so many other events it was postponed for a year because of Covid. Here we are, a year later, glad to see that events and gatherings are back on the agenda!
You’d think that having a year to prepare for a show would mean that I’d be more organised than ever, you’d be wrong! However, I had been busy weaving new mufflers and cushions for the show and was excited to be showing, and as always talking and meeting new people.

I had a busy weekend and super grateful for everyone that stopped by my stand, to talk or to purchase. The icing on the cake was being awarded ‘Best New Business’ at the Craft Festival. I was over the moon, and very grateful for Sarah James (the organiser) and her team for the award. They work unbelievable hard to organise and publicise a unique event that bring together wonderful array of makers from across the UK. My award was a profile on the ‘Find a Maker’ site which is run by the Craft Festival. Thank you!


Llif / بہاؤ / Flow


National Eisteddfod of Wales: Tregaron 2022 - ‘Lle Celf’ + ‘Artisan’